Poor Lily was all stuffed in the car for the ride home. I think it took us about 11 hours to get home. She was such a trooper, only really fussed when we got to The Woodlands. I know she was so tired and so tired of sitting in her car seat. She did love watching the same videos over and over and over and over and over and over again. Mike and I will never know what the videos look like, but we can sing every word. All in all we had a wonderful time and can't wait for the year ahead. McF
Monday, December 29, 2008
Lily and Christmas in Amarillo.
We had a great time hanging out with Mo in Amarillo. Lily and mommy got there a couple days before dad and had great girl time. Lily has taken to Mo like nothing I could have ever imagined. I am so happy about that. I am always afraid with my mom being so far away that Lily will not know her and now when we see her Lily even recognizes her and goes straight to her.
This little girl got so much for Christmas it was almost unbelieveable. I was so afraid that we were going to have to rent a UHAUL to get us back home. She may be a little small for some of the fun things, but it is only a matter of time before she is up and going on all of them.
Lily went to her first art show in Amarillo. She was a hit, but I was stressed out watching her and keeping her away from all of the wonderful pottery. She did not understand why it was that she could not touch everything.
She got a little rocking horse from her Mo and is starting to learn that you bounce up and down on it. Anyways, it is the cutest thing to see her get on there and pull his ears. We have not yet come up with a name for our new horse, so I am taking suggestions.
This picture here amazes me. She looks so much like her mommy's brother it is scary. Not how he looks today, but when he was younger.

Poor Lily was all stuffed in the car for the ride home. I think it took us about 11 hours to get home. She was such a trooper, only really fussed when we got to The Woodlands. I know she was so tired and so tired of sitting in her car seat. She did love watching the same videos over and over and over and over and over and over again. Mike and I will never know what the videos look like, but we can sing every word. All in all we had a wonderful time and can't wait for the year ahead. McF
Poor Lily was all stuffed in the car for the ride home. I think it took us about 11 hours to get home. She was such a trooper, only really fussed when we got to The Woodlands. I know she was so tired and so tired of sitting in her car seat. She did love watching the same videos over and over and over and over and over and over again. Mike and I will never know what the videos look like, but we can sing every word. All in all we had a wonderful time and can't wait for the year ahead. McF
Lily's School Christmas Party!
We went to Lily's Christmas party at daycare. It was so much fun to watch all the little ones walk around and get into everything. Lily tried to open everyone's books and tried to eat all of them. We had all kinds of yummy foods, and the kids seemed to have a good time.
Here is Lily reading her book, give her a second with a book and she will then eat it.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Playdate with Baylee!
Lily and I went to my friend Amber's house for a sleepover/playdate on Saturday night. Her daughter (Baylee) is exactly 2 months older than Lily.
We had so much fun with
the girls. They were not real sure what to do together. But, they played well and even shared toys. The night time was the bad part. We would get one to sleep and the other would wake up. So I am not sure if we are ready for another child at night. ha
the girls. They were not real sure what to do together. But, they played well and even shared toys. The night time was the bad part. We would get one to sleep and the other would wake up. So I am not sure if we are ready for another child at night. ha
It was fun for Lily's first sleepover. She is such a busy little girl. Trying to get into everything she can reach. All in all we had a great time.
Now we are packing and getting ready to head to Amarillo this Friday. I don't think a visit to Santa is going to be on our agenda while in Amarillo with Mo. But, I do know that we have a lot planned for Lily. I can't wait for Santa to come and visit. So I will post more maybe this week, but for sure after Christmas. Much Love, McF
Lily and Santa----OH NO!!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Lily and Santa
Well we went to "cookies with Santa" this morning. I am ready to start doing fun things like this with Lily. I think she deserves to get to do everything. So off we went. Well the first person we encounter is Santa himself. Needless to say, Lily Fryar hated Santa. She thought he was the scariest man in the world. So she did not get time to tell him what she wanted. 
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Turkey Day and so on.......
This year I am thankful for so many things... To begin with of course is the wonderful year we have had with Lily. She has grown so much in her first year. I do not even recognize baby pictures that I see of her. I am thankful for my family and my amazing friends. I am thankful to have a husband that allows me to be me... although I know that it hard at times..
We went to Dallas for Thanksgiving this year to spend it with my Aunt and Uncle and cousins. They have not seen Lily since she was 4 weeks old. So needless to say it was an overdue get together. I was a little stressed about the 4 hour drive with busy body in the back. But, with Sesame Street and the Wiggles we were good to go. She just stared at the screen for hours. I know for a fact that I could not get her to do that at home. Not that I want that, but you know it would be nice to sit her down for 30 minutes to get things done.
On Thanksgiving morning we got up and went downtown and did the Turkey Trot. This was so much fun and something that I am going to make our little family tradition each year. I am also so thankful that my mom was there to carry Lily the 3 miles of the race. Mike and I carried her some but for the most part we pushed the empty stroller. Lily is so attached to her Mo she reaches for her over me or Mike. She just loves her. Well I know that the feelings are mutual there.
Yep Mo, Lily and Uncle Jon going strong.
Thanksgiving Day at my aunt and uncles.
Here she is... Miss Busy Body!!!
Did I mention that this little one is wanting to walk everywhere now. It is hard to remember to put her on her feet rather than her hands and knees. She is much faster crawling, but it is only a matter of time before she is running all over the place. Right now she looks like a little person that has consumed 1 too many of Aunt Weazer's vodka lemonades.
We went to Dallas for Thanksgiving this year to spend it with my Aunt and Uncle and cousins. They have not seen Lily since she was 4 weeks old. So needless to say it was an overdue get together. I was a little stressed about the 4 hour drive with busy body in the back. But, with Sesame Street and the Wiggles we were good to go. She just stared at the screen for hours. I know for a fact that I could not get her to do that at home. Not that I want that, but you know it would be nice to sit her down for 30 minutes to get things done.
Thanksgiving was great and we had so much fun. Now it is back to normal for a bit! McF
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Happy Birthday sweet Lily!
Lily turned 1 on the 20th, we can not believe it.
We started her birthday off with opening presents. She got a little red wagon and I wrapped 2 other little presents for her to open. She had no clue what to do with those. It was so much fun just watching her.
We then went off to day care with cupcakes in hand. There was only one other little boy there so they had a little party. Lily then gave me a present for her birthday when she decided to throw up all over me. Poor little girl got a bug and had to come home and drink fluids and take it easy for the rest of the day. I had such plans for the big night- but with children you can not always be sure of your plans.
Saturday was the big party. The 1st Annual Lily Fair was held in our backyard. We had so much fun. Lily loved all of the people being over and getting to show off her walking skills for everyone. She is taking about 6-10 steps at a time and then back to her knees. So hopefully or maybe not hopefully she will be a full on walker by December. It was great to see everyone and we missed those that could not make it. But, there will always be the 2nd Annual Lily Fair next year.
I can not wait to see what the next year has in store for us. McF
Saturday, November 15, 2008
A cold Saturday night!
It is Saturday night and Lily is fast asleep, and Mike is out watching football with friends. So I thought I would blog for a bit before heading to bed to dive deep into my book.
Lily turns 1 on Thursday. I have so many mixed emotions about it. I can not believe she will be 1! I can not believe that this year has gone by in such a hurry. I remember the first couple of months wondering if she would ever sleep through the night, and wondering what the rest of the year had in store for us. I can honestly say that the memories of her not sleeping through the night are so distant now. All I really remember is who she is now. And to me she is the most amazing person that I know. She is always so happy and loves to be with her mommy and daddy. She is not the most cuddly baby, but at this age who really is. She is so busy blowing and going, and yes that does include getting into EVERYTHING. But, with that being said, I could not imagine a day with out her in my life. I can not even remember life before she was born. Well okay lets me honest, I remember the Saturday mornings sleeping in. But, really that is all that I miss. I look forward to every minute with her. When she smiles and laughs I feel like my entire being smiles and laughs. I just can not stand the thought of her getting older so fast. How do you slow it down? That means I too am getting older, and that is not something I like to be reminded of.
Thursday is her birthday and we are having a birthday party for her at school. I am sure the teachers will love that I am bringing cupcakes for all of the others. What a mess that will make. We are also having a birthday party for Lily on Saturday and I can not wait. Of course it is more of a party for the adults, but she will enjoy herself too. I feel like I have been planning this for months (well I have actually). I just want her 1st party to be so special, and honestly I want to show my baby off to all of those who have not seen her in a while. Of course she is the most beautiful little girl and I am not biased at all.
Well that is all I am going to blog for now. I guess I just wanted to write and tell everyone how in love I am with my little almost 1 year old. Now I am off to dive into reading about my vampire.
Much Love,
Lily turns 1 on Thursday. I have so many mixed emotions about it. I can not believe she will be 1! I can not believe that this year has gone by in such a hurry. I remember the first couple of months wondering if she would ever sleep through the night, and wondering what the rest of the year had in store for us. I can honestly say that the memories of her not sleeping through the night are so distant now. All I really remember is who she is now. And to me she is the most amazing person that I know. She is always so happy and loves to be with her mommy and daddy. She is not the most cuddly baby, but at this age who really is. She is so busy blowing and going, and yes that does include getting into EVERYTHING. But, with that being said, I could not imagine a day with out her in my life. I can not even remember life before she was born. Well okay lets me honest, I remember the Saturday mornings sleeping in. But, really that is all that I miss. I look forward to every minute with her. When she smiles and laughs I feel like my entire being smiles and laughs. I just can not stand the thought of her getting older so fast. How do you slow it down? That means I too am getting older, and that is not something I like to be reminded of.
Thursday is her birthday and we are having a birthday party for her at school. I am sure the teachers will love that I am bringing cupcakes for all of the others. What a mess that will make. We are also having a birthday party for Lily on Saturday and I can not wait. Of course it is more of a party for the adults, but she will enjoy herself too. I feel like I have been planning this for months (well I have actually). I just want her 1st party to be so special, and honestly I want to show my baby off to all of those who have not seen her in a while. Of course she is the most beautiful little girl and I am not biased at all.
Well that is all I am going to blog for now. I guess I just wanted to write and tell everyone how in love I am with my little almost 1 year old. Now I am off to dive into reading about my vampire.
Much Love,
Sunday, November 2, 2008
First Halloween!
We had so much fun with Lily on Halloween. We carved pumpkins, that was fun. I have missed doing that myself.
Lily was a little lioness for the big day. She had the time of her life. She went to a Halloween party with her Aunt Weazer, all of Lily's Amarillo friends were there. They had a good time roaming around the cubicles showing off their costumes.
I think the most fun that Lily had was handing out candy to all of the little kids that came by at night. We had such a great time. I have always loved Halloween and want it to be so special for her too.
Week in Amarillo!
We were in Amarillo this past week. Lily had so many things she had to do. She went to an all day memorial service for her great-grandfather. She talked loud through out the opening prayer, so we excused ourselves.
She got to eat dinner with her Aunt Weazer and enjoyed every minute of that. She sat next to Francie and they stole food off of each other's plates the entire time. She had her first haircut and was not sure what to think about that at all.
She loves going to Amarillo. Mo always has something new and exiting for her to play with. This time it was a new kitchen and a new grocery cart.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
11 months old!!!
Here we are 11 months old. Almost a year old. Where has all of the time gone. Lily took her first step last Friday (after her flu shot). It was only 1 step but hey that is pretty big for us. She got her first pair of walking shoes on Sunday. It was a family event taking her to try on shoes. She was really interested in what was on her feet. She chewed on them for a while. I think she is more used to them now. So I got on ebay and bought some other shoes that she will be able to wear for a couple of months.
I have been busy planning her birthday party. It sure is turning into more of a party then I had once invisioned. I know she will love it and hopefully will stay awake long enough to enjoy it.
We are heading to Amarillo next week for Halloween. Lily decided she wanted to go and hang out with Mo for the fun day. We have not tried on her costume yet, that is something we will for sure have to do this weekend. She will look precious. It is a surprise as to what she will be so stay tuned for that.

I have been busy planning her birthday party. It sure is turning into more of a party then I had once invisioned. I know she will love it and hopefully will stay awake long enough to enjoy it.
We are heading to Amarillo next week for Halloween. Lily decided she wanted to go and hang out with Mo for the fun day. We have not tried on her costume yet, that is something we will for sure have to do this weekend. She will look precious. It is a surprise as to what she will be so stay tuned for that.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Lily and the past 2 weeks!
Well here we are at almost 11 months. I can not even believe that my baby is almost a year old. I am planning the party of the year and making myself crazy at the same time.
We went to the pumpkin patch a couple of weeks ago and all had so much fun. I can't wait to take Lily there every year. She is just going to love it. There are so many things there for little ones to get into. She enjoyed her daddy pulling her around in the pumpkin wagon. She thought that was so fun.
We went to Austin last weekend for a concert and took Lily with us. It was a great weekend. Lily got to go to the bar and watch the Horns beat OU. She was in her little cheerleader outfit and was for sure the hit of the bar. It was outside so don't be worried that I am taking Lily to bars just yet. We had a great time. She got to spend the night at her aunt Deanna's house, and from what I hear she was no trouble at all. She was so tired from cheering all day that she did not have any energy to get into trouble.
Dhe is getting more precious by the day. She loves to go and do things. Loves to be in busy places so she can see what everyone is up to. I will write more later and promise to not go 2 weeks without writing. McF
Monday, September 29, 2008
A fun filled weekend
Lily had a great weekend. On Friday night she took the lion out for a stroll along the sidewalk. She can not get enough of that toy. All she has to do is just take a glimpse at it and she gets fired up to take it for a stroll. She gets really mad though, sometimes the walls in the house get in her way. She is learning to turn it around or just push it the wrong way. 

On Saturday she helped Pops and Uncle Dudley take the front door down. She was such a big help. She took a 3 hour nap that afternoon. I guess the manual labor got to her.
We went to watch her cousin Ryan play flag football. She spent most of the time trying to steal water and pringles that her cousin Sarah had. Sarah would drop a chip on her dress and Lily would pick it off and try and eat it. She is still to small for pringles. Although she would argue that.

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