Monday, August 10, 2009

Hanging with the Fryar's

I have been on the road so much in the past month that this weekend we just hung around the house. I sure miss doing that with my family.
I can't complain that work is busy, but I miss my Mike and little Lily while I am away.
Lily had a good week. CC and LeeLee came over for dinner and hung out for a while. We used to do this all of the time and it seems we have slacked off on that. We have vowed to keep it going.

Lily thinks her CC is something special. They have a secret relationship. She is always asking for CC, but when he is around she is shy. Well the other night she could not have given him enough kisses. So funny she is. She ran all around the house making sure that everyone had kisses. She did not want to leave anyone out.
These are just some random pics of Lily doing what she does best--- looking cute. She grows and grows everyday. I just wanna slow her down, but she insists. Mike and I just laugh at the things she does and the things she is trying to say. We do know that she can count to six when prompted. You may not understand her completely but that is what she is saying. She for sure knows her 2, 5, 6. She puts her had up says 5 and then waives bye bye.
We couldn't love this little angel anymore.

She has starting wanting to brush her teeth and play in the water so I let her stand there and do what she wants until I can't stand there anymore.

She loves to lay and watch Elmo and read her books. I think she is going to be a vet. She loves to discuss all the different animals out there.
She thinks her daddy is pretty specials. She yells for him all over the house. She has to make sure he is around. The other morning she slept late and daddy was already at work, she crawled in the bed and started looking under the pillows for her dadda. It was wonderful, she then rushed to the shower thinking maybe he was still in there. We all leave the house at the same time in the morning so when daddy is gone it sure throws a wrench in her day.

She is truly the light of our lives. We are so thankful everyday for having her as a part of us.

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